Why not start a new book called “Get Back In The Damned Boat” which deals with the emotion of deciding whether to go back out to sea? After two years I was adrift, bereft, pretty unsure of what I was doing. In the spring I took Pamela up the Delta, later to Drakes Bay, and a few times up to Hyde Street Pier to sing sea chanteys. Doing lots of things and pretending to be busy, singing, riding my bike to Zotts, backpacking, road tripping.
But would I ever go on another passage on my own boat?
I could go, technically, anywhere on the high seas. Sea of Cortez, Banderas Bay, Tenacatita. Panama, San Blas Islands. Marquesas, French Polynesia, returning by way of Hawaii. All these places would be great to see. But I didn’t have any plans or intentions.
A passage to any of those places would entail many days of singlehanded sailing across great distances. I’d get lonelier the further away I got.
But a summer trip to Hawaii and back, to lovely Hanalei Bay on the Garden Isle of Kauai would be something different. Something doable. Something to get me off my ass.
Thus follows a yarn …
Sail with me to the barefoot soul of Hanalei …